Unique Corporate Gifts for Employees and Clients 2024

Today, the business world is more competitive than it has ever been in the past. Therefore, you need to figure out innovative ways of setting your company apart from competitors.

One of the ways you can do this is to pass out gifts to your stakeholders, or the people who bring a lot to your company. For example, if you have clients that repeatedly bring you their return business, then you need to make sure they know they are appreciated.

Likewise, if you have employees who are going the extra mile for your company, you need to show appreciation for them as well. Finally, if you have business partners who have made a difference in your small business, you also need to show your appreciation for them. One of the ways you can do all of this is to go with some cool gifts you can find.

Leading employment expert Indeed.com claims that celebrating workplace successes presents the following advantages:

  • Employees feel valued and appreciated
  • Bolsters teamwork and improves morale
  • Fosters a happier, healthier work environment

So, when crucial workplace milestones come your way, you need to celebrate, and you need to provide gifts that best fit the occasion.

4 Important Milestones to Celebrate your Employees with Corporate Gifts

Celebrating with gifts for employees appreciation and providing the corporate gifting should be top of mind. And if you can figure out how to mix in some branded gifts along the way? Even better. 

Two coworkers enjoying snacks during a productive work session.

Whether to offer luxury gifts, corporate gifts for clients, gifts for employees, customized or personalized gifts depend on the occasion. So, the topic matter below will dig into the milestones you must celebrate and the best business gifts for each event. 

Without the right gifting website the process can be really difficult.

Speaking of which, SnackMagic is one of the best sources out there for corporate gifting. 

The above notion rings doubly true if your team has a taste for snacks and branded customized swag. Our items match perfectly with providing corporate perks and corporate benefits and gift ideas for employees on a budget.

Moreover, you can send customized notes in boxes, enjoy a branding digital experience, and choose from our menu of 1000+ snacks for both remote and in-office employees.

While not all of the following suggestions will be from SnackMagic, several will be–and your team members will be very appreciative as a result. 

Now let’s dig into the milestones worth celebrating:

1. It’s the Company’s Anniversary

Every year you remain in business should be cause for celebration, no matter what’s going on. The fact is, existing in a fierce marketplace and in a world that grows more competitive is worthy of some fist-pumping.

Furthermore, with an anniversary comes the chance to acknowledge and truly appreciate your company’s history while boosting employee engagement. 

Smaller companies have even more reasons to celebrate workplace anniversaries because the odds are really stacked against them. So, don’t get so bogged down by work that you can’t take the time to acknowledge this incredible accomplishment.

Gift ideas for your business’s anniversary:

  • We suggest customized swag, whether shirts, mugs, or gift bags, that specifically commemorate the occasion, all with your company’s specific branding.
  • You could also curate a gift box of wine or liquor so your team can celebrate with a toast over Zoom (or in-office, depending on where everyone is right now). Be mindful that not everybody drinks, so ask around to make sure booze is the appropriate gift for your team. 

2. An Employee’s Workplace Anniversary

Three young professionals laughing together during a work session.

Specific people deserve to be celebrated, especially on their personal work anniversary. 

Celebrating how long someone has been with your company, whether it’s 1 year or 30-plus years, shows everyone how much you value them. 

How you choose to celebrate this occasion depends on the employee’s position and the size of your company. For instance, a part-time sales associate a Wal-Mart might have to settle for a pat on the back after a year of employment. Whereas your trusted office administrator deserves some pomp and circumstance for a few years of hard work.

Gift ideas for an employee’s workplace anniversary:

  • Think of gifting a branded plaque and getting it engraved with a supportive, thankful message that shows the employee how much you appreciate them.
  • SnackMagic’s Snack Good, Feel Good Package will remind your environmentally-conscious employee how important they are to both the workplace and the overall sustainability of the world.

3. Exceeding Revenue Goals

Person enjoying a vista of clouds and mountains while raising a hand in the air to celebrate.

If your team reached their goal, it’s definitely worth celebrating. And if they absolutely crushed their revenue goals? Then you should pull out all the stops. 

Solid work should be acknowledged and commended. Excellent performance should result in serious partying and your long, thoughtful appreciation with employee gifting.

Gift ideas for exceeding revenue goals:

  • Provided your team members really knocked it out of the park–and you can afford it–why not look into something extravagant like custom corporate jewelry? Nothing rewards excellence, quite like something shiny and wearable.
  • Reward your team with something experiential (e.g., a concert, escape room, ax throwing, wine-tasting/beer-tasting). 

4. It’s an Employee Appreciation Day

We believe these special times of the year must be celebrated as a business triumph. After all, these role-specific holidays (Employee Appreciation Week, Customer Service Appreciation Week and others) can provide a much-appreciated pause from business as usual, and your team has probably worked exceptionally hard heading into a much-needed break.

As such, no corporate gifting proposal or plan should be absent of corporate holiday gifts. You could hand them out during the staff party or deliver these presents via mail. 

Gift ideas when it’s an Employee Appreciation holiday:

  • A personalized card should do the trick–throw in a gift card or two to really get into the spirit of things.
  • One of SnackMagic’s curated seasonal boxes will hit the spot and fit the occasion, as we choose our healthy, addictive stashes based on the time of year. 

Celebrating milestones with the appropriate gifts will ensure that your team ends up raving about working for you on their social media channels and to anyone else who’ll listen. 

5 Best Corporate Gifts to Reward your Long-Serving Employees

Did you know the average amount of time an employee stays with a company is 4.1 years?

The fact is, we live in a time where longevity and employment don’t go hand in hand. Professionals are typically encouraged to not stay in a job too long these days.

So, when you find that pivotal team member who’s stuck with you for the long haul, you should show your appreciation with a meaningful corporate gift.

Why is corporate gifting important?

But these longstanding team members have become staples in the office for a reason. Namely, they’re indispensable and have amassed plenty of success in your organization. And they’ve likely enjoyed many of your luxury corporate gift boxes throughout their tenure. 

Beyond that, this special person is likely doing pretty well in their life as a legacy team member–something probably reflected in their salary. So, they’ve enjoyed plenty of other gifts or have bought their share of valuable material items.

A group of employees having a meeting at a conference room table in a clean, modern office.

Given the above context, ideas can be extremely difficult to brainstorm (but no less crucial). Especially when providing unique gifts for employees who’ve performed at a high level for a long time. 

Read on as we examine best way to appreciate employees who’ve stood the test of time.

You might be a master gifter. And if you are, feel free to disregard this disclaimer. However, you’re already balancing a million responsibilities as a corporate leader. Trying to brainstorm the perfect corporate gifts for longstanding employees–who already have plenty to begin with–is a tall order. 

Make your life easier by working alongside one of the many corporate gifts service provider out there. These organizations specialize in creative, meaningful business gifting ideas for cherished team members. More importantly, they’ll allow you to focus more on your leadership tasks. 

1. Zen Garden Kit

Unique executive gifts can be more about symbolic meaning than about what you spend on them. 

To that point, any corporate gifts meaning you care about your top employee’s wellbeing will convey your human and compassionate side. For instance, a Beach Zen Garden Kit will brighten up a veteran employee’s desk and their workday with its trademark bright blue sand, lighthouses, and stingrays. 

Gardens in corporate offices are said to improve employee health and wellbeing, and the eclectic design of the Zen Kit adds a unique twist. 

2. Unique Corporate Gift Basket

Really, gifting ideas like this one set you apart as an empathetic employer instead of someone who doles out random gift cards–for instance–without much thought. 

Personalized and best gifts for employees who’ve performed well for a long time should be a relatively frequent occurrence. These could even be small gestures to reinforce that top team member’s value to your company. 

However, there are milestones for your longstanding superstars that deserve a bit more pomp and circumstance. Whether an anniversary, conquering a sales goal or anything in between, luxury branded gifts can help elevate the occasion. 

One example is Meat Lovers Box, including high-end goodies such as Chicken Double Stick, Salsa Fresca Beef Jerky, Cracked Pepper Turkey Meat Stick and many more. Better yet, everything arrives with your company’s branding. 

3. Branded Made-to-Order Snack Collection

On the subject of unique gift baskets, SnackMagic offers collections–from made-to-order to curated–that can include your own corporate branding.

Large SnackMagic box full of treats, snacks, and custom gifts.

And as we mentioned, you can customize our boxes with an array of our 1000+ lip-smacking snacks, which can still fit even the most stringent budget. 

Another idea that’ll fit your budget is assembling a movie night box. This typically involves a gift card to your team member’s favorite streaming service. And it can be bolstered by adding either of the snacking options mentioned above!

Try this idea out for size: look up “corporate gifts food” on the internet. You’ll find inventive ideas to reward long-term employees that’ll warm their bellies and hearts but won’t break your budget.

4. Customized Swag

We also design customized swag to further key into the luxury, branded corporate gifts experience. 

These customized corporate swags and promotional corporate gifts serve two purposes–increasing employee retention and bolstering your brand recognition. Meaning even your gifting can be efficient in the business world. 

Just because you’re running a business or corporation doesn’t mean you can blow through your budget, spending on gifts. 

Also, just because you’re thinking of gift ideas for employees on a budget doesn’t mean your gift won’t knock it out of the park.

5. Twice Baked Cherry White Chunk Cookies

Take our Cherry White Chunk Twice Baked Cookies, for example. They aren’t even $6.00 but are bound to satisfy the appetite and validate any longstanding employee. Don’t get us wrong–celebrating someone’s 10th anniversary with a bag of cookies might not be the ticket. But as a nice gesture throughout the week, you can’t go wrong with delicious, nutritious treats. 

Large group of employees enjoying snacks and each other's company.

It’s not enough to pick randomly from a list of corporate gifting companies. Instead, you should be choosing from the cream of the crop.

Speaking of which, SnackMagic is a heavyweight in the corporate gifting sector, offering delicious, healthy, digitally branded experiences in physical and remote office spaces. Learn more about us today if you’re looking for the ideal business gifting solution for your legacy employees. 

Luxury Corporate Gifts

There are multiple directions you can go if you are looking for a way to give gifts to people who have made a difference in your company. One of the ways to do this is to go with luxury corporate gifts.

Of course, simply spending a lot of money on your gifts is not necessarily going to send the right message. Instead, you also need to think about who will be receiving the gift. You need to know they are going to appreciate it and understand what it means.

Therefore, if you are looking for expensive gifts for employees or business partners, then you need to think carefully about what type of gift you are going to choose. For example, jewelry may be a good option for some people; however, it may not be the right choice for others. Consider their tastes and relationship to your company, and think carefully about what type of high-end gifts it may make sense for you to distribute.

1. Campfire Box

Let’s all tell ghost stories, look at the stars,  and enjoy these summer-inspired snacks around a fire. Hope you didn’t forget your flashlight!

2. Foodie Forward

Incredibly artisanal, small-batch, culinary-crafted. Let your inner food critic soar, and enjoy unique goodies you’ll not find at your local convenience store.

3. Happy Hour

Fostering camaraderie amongst colleagues (even via Zoom) is important, now more than ever. This medley is perfect on a Friday– our array of post-work libations that pair with leisurely weekend-bound vibes.

4. Around the World

Shoutout to those that experience culture through food. Global snacks from every corner of the world.

5. Ultimate Snack Mix

We threw together the Ultimate Snack Box filled with great tasty salty crunchies, savory bites, and sweet treats perfect for any snacking occasion.

Cool Corporate Gifts For Clients

Furthermore, you may also be looking for the best corporate gifts for clients. It is important for your company to generate recurring revenue, and as a result, you need to focus on customer retention just as much as on customer acquisition.

If you focus on customer retention, then you can generate a strong foundation for your business that will help you keep it afloat as you also look for new business opportunities. This is why you need to find gift ideas for VIP clients.

In particular, you need to think carefully about client gifts during COVID. After all, everyone has had trouble making ends meet during the pandemic. This includes individuals, families, and small businesses. If you let your clients know they are appreciated, particularly during the coronavirus pandemic, they will remember the gesture. 

Unique Snack gifts for your clients

Chocolate Chunk Gluten-Free (Pack of 12)

Raspberry Lemon Organic Energy Bar (Pack of 6)

Original Blend Pistachio Kernels (Pack of 6)

Organic Chocolate Dipped Dried Pineapple (6 Pack)

White Cheddar Popped Water Lily Seeds (Pack of 12)

Related read: Corporate Snack Service

Corporate Swag Gifts for Clients







Branded Corporate Gifts

If you are putting together a corporate gift, you need to make sure you understand that this is a branding opportunity as well.

Branded business gifts are a great way for you to generate more marketing for your business. For example, if you put together employee gifts with company logo, then other people are going to notice that logo when they see the gift.

Plus, it you do a good job with your gift, then the person who receives it may want to show it off to others. This is a great way for you to get your logo in front of other people, and without paying extra for it to get there, either. Therefore, it’s worth thinking about going with logo on any kind of business gifting.

If you are looking for branded office gifts, think about going with branded gifts for clients as well. That way, you can make sure you keep the name of your company at the front of their minds as well.

Remember just how competitive the business world is today: with this reality, you need to make sure your customers stick around rather than going to one of your competitors. If you emboss your logo on whatever gifts you share with your customers, this will help convince them to come back in the future.

And finally, remember that this is not something you have to figure out on your own: instead trained professionals with experience in corporate gifting can help you through this process.

Branded Box Sticker

Digital Experience

Custom Printed Note

Video Message

Celebrity Video Message

Branded Notecard