Hannah Pikula

Hannah Pikula
The current pandemic revolutionized a lot of things. Before, corporate gifting was practiced to recognize the efforts of employees and escalate client relationships. Now, gifting has become a way to feel connected with everyone one has to interact with often. Businesses spend a shocking amount on the same, ranging...
Excellent employee retention ensures that your team is engaged, stays productive, and improves customer relationships.  Here’s the secret about employee retention: it starts on a staff member’s first day. And sometimes even before then.  To the above point, employee retention can be improved by 82% when onboarding is executed correctly.   So, how...
It’s crucial for the long-term development of your employees that you reflect upon their work anniversary.  And while employers mull over the meaning of a team member’s workplace anniversary, they also must contemplate the lasting value of showing genuine employee appreciation.  Of the many reasons you should give presents to your...
In the US, recent numbers show that 12.3 million women-owned businesses (which equals 40% of total US businesses) generate $.1.8 trillion yearly. Outside of business ownership, recent statistics show that women hold over half the jobs in the US.  The fact is, women have come far in business since the 20th...
When you celebrate IT Professionals Appreciation Day–the third Tuesday of every September–there are a few factors to keep top of mind.   First and foremost, IT professionals require an astronomical amount of skills. Your team consists of talented people who keep your company’s engine chugging. Thus, they deserve your gratitude–in full...
In 2017, Health Unit Coordinators Day was extended to Health Unit Coordinator Week, from August 23rd to August 29th.  Extending the celebration to a week is well deserved. Given how taxing the pandemic was (and currently is) on professionals across the industry, healthcare worker appreciation has never been more crucial.  So,...
As suggested by the name, a treats box is the ideal way to treat anyone on any number of occasions. Of course, a Treats Box will always make an impact during a celebration. After all, food has a long-storied relationship with celebratory occasions. For many reasons, these outings are tied...
National Intern Day–which you can read more about on the WayUp-sponsored official website–is on the horizon. Undoubtedly, it’s a day that brings forth many talking points. For instance, we must look at the big picture in preparing for National Intern Day 2024. Today’s intern is tomorrow’s C-level powerhouse. They will be...
There’s no day quite like a birthday. In fact, a survey of over 300 medical students saw that people feel more loved on their birthdays. Psychology Today also points out that birthdays help children gain their footing amid social and biological changes. Yet, children aren’t the only people with birthdays...
Healthy snacks, specifically when they’re of the highest quality, are the gifts that keep giving. Outside of improving heart and gut health, nutritious food provides a welcome boost to your sense of well-being and mental health.   Over the past decade-plus, there’s also been a massive shift in healthy snacks to...